
[COVID19]코로나19 예방접종 후 발생한 백반증. Vitiligo in a COVID-19 vaccinated patie…

6,580 2021.07.29 09:48




[COVID19]코로나19 예방접종 후 발생한 백반증. Vitiligo in a COVID-19 vaccinated patient with ulcerative colitis


Ulcerative colitis로 치료 받던 환자가 코로나19 예방접종(화이자) 후 백반증이 발생했다는 case report입니다. 

논문 본문에 보면 지금까지 COVID-19 백신 후 발생하는 부작용으로는 urticaria, morbilliform eruptions erythromelagia, pernio/chilblains, filler reaction, delayed large local reaction, and P rosea like eruption 등이 있었지만,

백반증의 부작용은 보고된 바 없었다.

환자와 같이 ulcerative colitis같은 autoimmune disease를 가진 경우 백신 시 유의할 것으로 보인다.


▶Letter to editor:

Vitiligo in a COVID-19 vaccinated patient with ulcerative colitis: A coincidence?

Clin Exp Dermatol. 2021 Jul 8. doi: 10.1111/ced.14842. Online ahead of print.



COVID-19 pandemic has caused a global nightmare since January 2020. 

It is fact that COVID pandemic could only be controlled by vaccines. 

Fortunately, scientists developed coronavirus vaccine at the end of 2020.

Several m-RNA vaccines including Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine received FDA-approval for emergency use. (1).

A 58 years old male patient presented to our dermatology outpatient clinic with white macular plaques distributed symmetrically across the face.(Figure 1,2). 

The white spots were consistent clinically with vitiligo as Wood’s lamp examination ,too, confirmed the initial diagnosis. 

In history, he has been suffering ulcerative colitis for 2 years, and using azathioprine and sulfasalazine.


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